This section of MG Flasher allows you to log real time data and plot them into graphs for troubleshooting and optimizing. Logger is additional function available in MG Flasher. You can get Logger as additional product once Flashing license is already activated.


Creating a Log

The log should consist of a full acceleration drive at WOT (wide open throttle) across a large rpm range in a gear that is closely matching the engines output shaft rotational speed. To do this:

This should give you two logs, 4th gear WOT and 3rd-4th gear WOT with shifting.

Automatic logging, as opposed to manually starting/stopping the logging session, is up to your preference. Logging is typically used to see how a vehicle is performing or to find problems with mechanics/software.


The Logger has separate configurations for measured parameters and displayed parameters in the UI. You can control the behaviors by pressing the Context Options button and choosing from options: Go to logged parameters and Go to display settings.

Adding a new measured parameter in Log Parameters will not add this parameter to the Gauge Dashboard automatically. After adding the measured parameter you must also setup the visibility in Display config too if you want to observe them in the dashboard.

Logger units configuration is applied for both configs immediately.


Logger main page

The Gauges are shown here on the main page, our many display configuration settings allow for unlimited customization of the interface. The simplest way to adjust a given gauge is to touch & hold selected item to move it to another place once the dashboard have been unlocked.

In top right corner of the app there is a Context Options button where there you can find some useful quick actions options to manipulate the logged parameter, display & UI adjustment.

By double-clicking a gauge you are able to choose one of the following option:

In the bottom part of the page there are 2 buttons :

START/STOP - allows you to log currently measured parameters from car to the file.

LOGS - manage the currently saved logger files

In the top part of the page:

Context Options - control the logged & displayed parameters by selecting one of the following option

Logger parameters settings page

Manages the parameters which should be read from the car. It allows to control MASTER and SLAVE module separately by switching to concrete tab.

Preferences tab contains an option to log & present parameters with user friendly name or factory technical name.

Logger display page

Contains the list of parameters which are able to be displayed in the dashboard based on logger parameters defined enabled in Logger Parameters page. Each item in list is configurable in two ways. Shorter path allows you to click on the badges to change the gauge type or visibility immediately. The second path required to click on given gauge item in list which will navigate to Gauge Item page where you can edit more fields: Visibility, Aspect Ratio, Height, Width, Gauge Type.

Once you finish the configuration you can adjust the visible items using one of the supported algorithm by clicking the MISC button:

Regardless of the algorithm all visible items which cannot be shown due to exceed of maximum allowed gauges count will be marked as hidden.

The maximum gauges count depends of the device. Smartphones have different limits than tablets.

Sample user scenarios

Change visible gauges

You are able to change the visible gauges using several ways. If currently visible gauge needs to be deleted all you need to do is double-click the conrete item and select the Remove option.

You can achieve the same effect by clicking the Edit option and unchecking the Visible setting.

Logger Display page provides a way to manage all currently possible to present measurements. By clicking the badge item on each item you can change the visisiblity of the item. Also the MISC button provides useful methods to change visibiblity for all items together with auto adjustment when you notice some blank holes in dashboard after your changes.

Changing the size & position of the gauge.

Please click the Context Options button and select Unlock manual gauge adjustment. Then hold & move visible gauge to the desired place. Finally double click on gauge and select the Scale up option to make it bigger.

Exporting the logger files to cloud

Please press the Logs button. Select the files to export. In MISC menu select SHARE button. In next dialog you are able to choose one of possible export option.

Supported options:




Export the logger file from app using your OS options. You can share your file to your friend or save it to the disk.

MG Flasher Logs Cloud

Uploads the file to our logs cloud solution. After the export you are able to open the website to see your data.


Exports the file to Spoolstreet service. In order to assign the file with your user account please go to SETTINGS page to fill API Key.

Change gauge type

Measured parameter can be visualized using one of our supported gauge type:

To change the gauge type you can use one of the following option: