Using Burbles On-The-Fly

Details about Burbles On-The-Fly can be found in the main article:

If you have Custom code v7.0.x or older, see instructions here:

Selecting a Burble slot/level

  1. Enter the Custom Code Menu (CCM). Let go once the Check Engine Light (CEL) starts blinking slowly.

    Custom Code Menu details can be found here:


(UniRocker) Short up on rocker
(UniRocker) Short down on rocker




  1. Move rocker up and down to navigate through the Custom Code Menu until you reach 2000 RPM (the Burbles submenu).

UniRocker uses far up/down on the rocker to navigate the menu. RockerCombo uses short up/down.

  1. Using your button configuration, press “enter” to continue into the Burbles submenu.


  1. Once entered, the Check Engine Light (CEL) will blink 2 times showing you have entered into the Burbles submenu.


  1. Select the burble slot/level you want by using short or far up/down on the rocker to increase/decrease the RPM shown on the tachometer.


0 RPM - Slot 0, OEM

1000 RPM - Slot 1, App Slider

2000 RPM - Slot 2, Level 1

3000 RPM - Slot 3, Level 2

4000 RPM - Slot 4, Level 3

5000 RPM - Slot 5, Burble OFF


  1. Using your button configuration, press “enter” to accept the burble slot/level.



MG Flasher @ 2024