Purchase licenses to flash multiple cars
The following procedure can be only performed by our dealers.
Buy license
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In order details you will see an extra option Enter VIN consumer code. Please type a customer car's VIN number which will be used to redeem the newly purchased license.
Proceed to Checkout and pay for your order via PayPal portal; credit card and Visa debit card are accepted.
Redeem multiple licenses using dealer's account
Run latest MG Flasher app on mobile device.
Please sign into the app using Dealer credentials and an active internet connection.
Connect to your car using Connect button.
When you see basic data of your car please enable your internet access again.
Click Open Car button
Select the Flashing license or OTS map you bought in the shop from the list and click Redeem button. Dealer cannot redeem Logger in-app for clients at this time, please assign to VIN at checkout or contact us.
Confirm your selection before proceeding.
The license will then be locked to the car and it will be ready to flash!
Steps 3-7 can be repeated multiple times as long as you have available licenses to redeem.
Redeem license remotely after purchase
Sign into shop website with dealer credentials
Go to Account -> Orders and select the order with licenses you would like to assign to a VIN.
Enter a VIN and press apply. If accepted it will be added in Green if the not recognized it will be Red. Repeat if redeeming for multiple VIN, each VIN is automatically limited to one unique license (won't accept two Stage 1 licenses on one VIN). Limited by the number of licenses purchased on the given order.
Run latest MG Flasher app on mobile device.
Please sign into the app using User or Dealer credentials and an active internet connection.
Connect to your car using Connect button.
When you see basic data of your car please enable your internet access again.
Click Open Car button
Select the Flashing license or OTS map you bought in the shop from the list and click Redeem button. Dealer cannot redeem Logger in-app for clients at this time, please assign to VIN at checkout, through Order's Page or Contact Us.
10. Confirm your selection before proceeding.
11. The license will then be locked to the car and it will be ready to flash!
12. Repeat steps 4-11 for different vehicle.
NOTE: Dealers have free access to Logger when signed in with their credentials. This means that client must open “Logger” to redeem if you purchased it for them. We are working on a better way to assign licenses for each vehicle.
For more details for a regular user's process, watch our instructional video:
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