Bench Unlock Procedure with MG Flasher

Bench Unlock Procedure with MG Flasher

MG1 ECUs manufactured after July 2020 are supported as of MG Flasher App v317. These ECUs MUST be shipped to Femto to be bench unlocked. Our MG Flasher App will detect the Femto bench unlock, and allow flashing via OBD with all MG Flasher custom options, functionality and our unique Custom Code (if applied at the Femto Labs). For more information, please contact Femto. It is critical to inform Femto that the ECU will be used with MG Flasher, in order to meet our Custom Code compatibility.

Download MG Flasher from the Play Store or App Store for free and connect to your vehicle using an ENET Wi-Fi adapter (or cable if you prefer); please refer to our User Manual for details on connecting to your vehicle. Once connected, press “Check for Support” to automatically check if your ECU requires regular bench unlocking service (built before 07.2020) or a special Femto bench unlocking service (built after 07.2020) or with boot control ver. 04.00.03 and higher for Aurix (Gen 2) and boot control ver 03.00.81 and higher for Spc (Gen 1).

Only select bootloaders are supported in MG Flasher. We do our best to add support for all updates as soon as possible. You can determine the ID and version numbers in MG Flasher App (via “Diagnostic Page” -> “Read ECU”) or through E-sys. The following bootloader versions are supported (updated Jan 2022):

Gen 1

IDs: 3072, 3075, 306F, 3080, 3084, 3087

Low Security:


High Security:


Gen 2

IDs: 48DC, 4295, 3E4B, 6198, 5D53, 48D9, 48DB

Low Security:


High Security:


Low Security: Unlock these ECUs in App via OBD
High Security: Bench unlock is required

The app provides many fail-safe methods during flashing, and one of them is to detect if the ECU is unlockable via OBD. If it must be unlocked on the bench, we have enabled 3rd party unlock detection for greater compatibility with different bench tools. Magic Motorsport’s excellent FLEX tool is available for MG Flasher Authorized Dealers to purchase and use with our exclusive built-in unlocking method. MG Flasher’s unlock is unique and provides excellent features:

  • CVN is untouched (kept the same), helps with maintaining warranty

  • Flashing counter is frozen, helps with tune detectability

  • OBD read protection is applied, deterrent from software pirates

MG Flasher’s special unlock procedure can be only performed by authorized dealers. However, any other third party who can unlock the ECU will have support within the MG Flasher app.

General Bench Tool Instructions

If your ECU was manufactured before July 2020, then follow these standard bench flashing instructions. If your ECU was created after this date, you will need to ship your ECU to Femto.

FLEX, bFlash, KTAG, CMD Flash, AutoTuner and others may provide their own unlock methods. THE UNLOCK PROVIDED BY YOUR BENCH TOOL MAY NOT BE COMPATABLE WITH MG FLASHER! They are NOT guaranteed to work with our software. Instead, please follow these general instructions:

1. Connect bench tool to ECU and perform a read of FACORY/OEM/STOCK software.

2. Identify the 8MB ECU file (Autotuner calls this "iflash0.bin"). It must be exactly 8,192 KB (8,388,608 bytes) for gen 2 (as shown in Windows when you right click the file and go to Properties). Gen 1 files are 7,680 KB (7,864,320 bytes). If the file size is larger it may contain the EEPROM, the tools should handle this, but in case it does not, please either remove it or contact us for assistance.

3. Upload the FACORY/OEM/STOCK file to https://www.shop.mgflasher.com/order/dmesumcorrection and retrieve your UNLOCKED file (it will be named “final.bin”). NOTE: please contact us for account permission to access this website.

4. Take the new downloaded file “final.bin” and import it into your bench tool.

5. Make sure NOT to mark auto unlock or similar on the bench tool’s interface.

6. Upload to the ECU and reconnect MG Flasher to vehicle.

7. Connect MG Flasher by going to the Left Side Menu, select “Connect” and press the big red button to reconnect to the ECU. If you have already connected before unlocking, please reconnect using the “Connect” button to ensure the MG Flasher My Car Page is properly refreshed.

8. If you see “ACTIVE” shown on My Car Page you have successfully unlocked the ECU. If not, please repeat these steps closely. Pay close attention to not allowing your bench tool to automatically unlock the ECU. If you continue to have trouble, contact us.

9. Continue with MG Flasher to flash Custom Code, Custom Options and OTS maps.

Specific Bench Tool Instructions

CMD Flash

1. Connect CMD Flash to ECU and perform a read of FACORY/OEM/STOCK software.

Step 2 - Open Backup Manager.

2. CMD full backup files are created/saved separately to different folder then calibration files used for tuning/modifications. To locate the path to the full backup file, click “File” -> “Open My ECU Backups folder”.

Step 3 - Open your backup. Example file name: “19 11 20 16.06.06 BMW MG1CS024.dat”.

3. From the Backup Manager, locate your full backup file with extension “*.dat” and open it. Example file name: “19 11 20 16.06.06 BMW MG1CS024.dat”.

Step 4 - Export File using the “IFlash1” button.

4. Export the full backup file using the “IFlash1” button in the “Export File…” category. Please confirm the file is exactly 8,388,608 bytes in size (as shown in Windows when you Right Click the file and go to Properties).

5. Upload the FACTORY/OEM/STOCK IFlash1 file to https://www.shop.mgflasher.com/order/dmesumcorrection and retrieve your UNLOCKED file (it will be named “final.bin”).

Step 6-7 - Import File using "Iflash1" button and then "Save As..." to your favorite location.

6. Take the new downloaded file and import it to CMD Flash; “Import File” -> “IFlash1”-> select “final.bin”.

7. Press “Save As…” to obtain the CMD Flash Ready output file.

8. Upload\write the CMD Flash Ready output file to the ECU.

9. Continue with “General Bench Tool Instructions” Step 6 in order to reconnect MG Flasher and confirm the unlock process is complete.

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