1. Hardware configuration

To ensure your hardware is properly configured follow the instructions in this section.

The first thing you may notice on your Android screen is a notification of MG Flasher requesting permission to access your connected peripheral. You must accept these requests for MG Flasher to connect to your vehicle.

Accept permission request to grant MG Flasher access to your peripheral.

ENET Wi-Fi Adapter

Plug the ENET Wi-Fi adapter into OBD port, open your device settings, find the appropriate Wi-Fi network and connect. On iOS, ensure you enable Flight Mode. Please note, that you must return to your local Wi-Fi or LTE/4G with internet connection to be able to check for support or download/buy new maps and then switch back to the ENET Wi-Fi connection once more for flashing. Your device may have the option to be connected to both the ECU via Wi-Fi and use Cellular Data for internet access if prompted with the follow screen:

Select "Use Cellular Data" for internet access in order to download maps

ENET Cable

Please note, that you must return to your local Wi-Fi or LTE/4G with internet connection to be able to check for support or download/buy new maps and then switch back to the ethernet connection once more for flashing.

NOTE: Prevent flashing failure from mechanical stress on the USB connection by leaving you device on a flat surface.

iOS users should ensure Flight Mode is enabled and Wi-Fi disabled. The device should be ready to use, if not, configure your device to use an Automatic IP under “Settings” -> “Ethernet”.

Android users must configure the ethernet adapter before first use. Under “Settings” -> “Connections” -> “More Connection Settings” -> “Ethernet” set the Static IP to Also confirm the following; Netmask:, DNS Address: and Default gateway: You may also need to disable Wi-Fi when connected with ENET cable.

In your device settings open “Connections” scroll down to “More connection settings” and open “Ethernet”.

Tap to enable Ethernet, click "Configure Ethernet device", select "Static IP" and enter the IP addresses above. Save.

2. Hardware connections

Let’s review how to connect your newly purchased hardware to your smart device and BMW.

ENET Cable

Find the OBD II port (in the driver’s footwell) and plug in the ENET cable to the OBD II port. Connect the USB – Ethernet adapter to your device and the ENET cable to the adapter

ENET Wi-Fi Adapter

Locate the OBD II port (in the driver’s footwell) and connect the Wi-Fi Adapter to the OBD II port.

3. Connect to car and check for support via MG Flasher

At this point all the information is saved to the configuration file on your device.

3.1 Checking support via MG Flasher

3.2 Purchase flashing license and OTS maps

4. Activate/unlock the ECU flashing procedure

Following conditions must be fulfilled when flashing ECU in the car, it will help to avoid flashing failures

During the procedure there will be error messages showing up on the car’s display and sounds from the dash which is normal.

5. OTS map flashing procedure - after successful unlock (short flash 15 – 20 seconds)

5.1 Flashing stock – original software

There will always be an original/stock flash available, it is automatically created with your license activation. You will be able to restore the ECU back to stock at any time using “Stock” button available from the Flashing screen – it is Stage 0, original factory software. ECU/Car remains activated/unlocked. Choose this option when you planning to visit service - flashing counter and CVN is kept the same (short flashing time of 15 – 20 seconds).

6. MG Flasher app navigation

After startup MG Flasher will welcome you with the splash screen and will switch automatically to the screen with the “Connect” button. This is the Main screen. If you have already connected the hardware with your vehicle (see Connection Guide) you may click “Connect” to establish

communication with your car.