Burbles On-The-Fly

Instructions for using Burbles On-The-Fly can be found here:

If you have Custom code v7.0.x or older, see instructions here:


With the dynamic burble feature, flashing your car every time you want to adjust the intensity of the burbles will be a thing of the past! There are multiple burble levels available.

Burble Levels

Custom Code v7.1 and newer:

0 RPM - Slot 0, OEM

Aggressiveness level as defined in your stock calibration.

1000 RPM - Slot 1, App Slider

Aggressiveness level depends on your slider positions.

2000 RPM - Slot 2, Level 1

This level will be equivalent to the aggressiveness at 20%.

3000 RPM - Slot 3, Level 2

This level will be equivalent to the aggressiveness at 40%.

4000 RPM - Slot 4, Level 3

This level will be equivalent to the aggressiveness at 70%.

5000 RPM - Slot 5, Burble OFF

Burbles will now be fully deactivated.

Custom Code v7.0.x and earlier:

0 RPM - Slot 1, Default Mode

Aggressiveness level depends on your slider positions.

1000 RPM - Slot 2, Level 1

This level will be equivalent to the aggressiveness at 20%.

2000 RPM - Slot 3, Level 2

This level will be equivalent to the aggressiveness at 40%.

3000 RPM - Slot 4, Level 3

This level will be equivalent to the aggressiveness at 70%.

4000 RPM - Slot 5, Burble OFF

Burbles will now be fully deactivated.

Important notes:

  • The car must be above 50-degree coolant temperature and engine running for longer than ~30 seconds for burbles to activate.

  • The burble level adjusted by the Aggressiveness Slider during your last OTS map flash will be the default aggressiveness adjustment without any of the above-mentioned selections. This "default" mode will be activated each time when vehicle is started after sleep mode. Custom Code v7.0.x and newer will save the last selected burble level between flashes and power cycles.

MG Flasher @ 2021